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Nisab is notified by the Chief Administrator Zakat and Ushr, according to the notified Nisab banks remain closed and deduct Zakat from Saving Bank Accounts.
  • ‘Nisab’, means 612.32 grams of silver or
  • cash or
  • gold, or
  • goods for any trade or
  • any assets liable to Zakat under Shariah (Equal to the value of Nisab) or
  • only of Gold, 87.48 grams of Gold;

The Deduction Date for serial number I shall be deemed to be a public holiday, for banks only, within the meaning of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (XXVI of 1881) Banks shall, however, remain open for their employees.

Note:- See Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 of Zakat and Ushr Act, 1985.

Budget session usually held in the last week of June each year.
Zakat Council approves the Zakat Fund Budget during its budget session