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The Zakat council consists of a Chairman with 20 members as under:

Secretary to the Govt., Zakat and Ushr.
Secretary to the Govt., Finance department.
Secretary to the Govt., Amoor-e-Deenia
Secretary to the Govt. Local Govt. Department.
Account General, Azad Kashmir.
Chief Administrator /Secretary Zakat Council.


One person from each district. (Total 10)
4 Ullema Ikram.

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Zakat Council is established u/s 13. of Zakat and Ushr Act, 1985 and is responsible to provide policy guidelines and exercise general superintendence and control on maters relating to Zakat and Ushr particularly the Zakat funds and maintenance of their accounts.

Zakat Fund annual budget is approved by the Zakat Council in its budget session in which all payment heads and the amount allocated against these head are specified by Zakat Council . In addition to other functions Zakat Council also has powers to make rules for carrying out the purposes of Zakat and Ushr Act, 1985 by notifying in the official Gazette.